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Zoho CRM Deluge Create Task For Account – Step By Step

The topic today we discuss is about Zoho CRM Deluge Create Task For Account. You may increase productivity and streamline processes by combining Deluge scripting with Zoho CRM’s robust automation features. This post will explain how to use Deluge scripting to create a task for an account in Zoho CRM. In order to make sure that nothing in your customer relationship management process is lost, this tutorial will take you step-by-step through the process of automating task generation for accounts.

Also Read:

Zoho CRM Deluge Create Task For Account  and Why Automate Task Creation for Accounts?

Tasks are essential in CRM to track actions that need to be taken, such as follow-up calls, meetings, or sending emails. By automating the creation of tasks for accounts in Zoho CRM, you can ensure that every account is properly managed, and no critical actions are overlooked. Deluge scripting enables you to customize this automation to fit your specific business needs.

Understanding the Basics of Deluge

Deluge (Data Enriched Language for the Universal Grid Environment) is Zoho’s scripting language that enables you to automate workflows, perform calculations, and build custom functions within Zoho CRM and other Zoho applications. In the context of Zoho CRM, Deluge can be used to automate tasks, trigger events, and manipulate data based on predefined conditions.

Step-by-Step Guide to Zoho CRM Deluge Create Task For Account

Step 1: Identify the Account for Which the Task Will Be Created

Before you can create a task for an account, you need to identify the specific account in Zoho CRM. Typically, you’ll have an account’s ID, which can be fetched based on various conditions, such as new account creation or specific triggers.

Step 2: Write the Deluge Script

Below is an example of how to write a Deluge script that creates a task for an account in Zoho CRM.

// Fetch the account record where you want to create a task
account_id = “Account_ID”; // Replace with the actual Account ID or fetch dynamically// Create a map to hold task details
task_map = map();
task_map.put(“Subject”, “Follow-up Meeting”);
task_map.put(“Due_Date”, zoho.currentdate.addDay(7)); // Set due date to 7 days from today
task_map.put(“Status”, “Not Started”);
task_map.put(“Priority”, “High”);
task_map.put(“What_Id”, account_id); // Link the task to the account// Create the task in Zoho CRM
create_task_response = zoho.crm.createRecord(“Tasks”, task_map);

// Check the response
if(create_task_response.get(“code”) == “SUCCESS”)
info “Task created successfully!”;
info “Error: ” + create_task_response.get(“message”);

In this example:

  • account_id represents the ID of the account for which you want to create the task.
  • task_map is a map that holds the task details, such as the subject, due date, status, and priority.
  • The What_Id field is crucial as it links the task to the specific account in Zoho CRM.

Step 3: Test the Script

Once you’ve written the script, it’s important to test it. Testing ensures that the task is created correctly and is associated with the intended account. You can run the script in a sandbox environment or apply it to a single account to verify its functionality.

Step 4: Deploy the Script

After testing, you can deploy the script within Zoho CRM. You can attach this script to a workflow rule, custom button, or schedule it to run at specific intervals, depending on your business requirements.

Advanced Task Automation Scenarios

Here are some advanced scenarios where you might use Deluge to create tasks for accounts in Zoho CRM:

Conditional Task Creation: Create tasks only if certain conditions are met, such as account stage changes, account inactivity, or based on specific custom fields.

Bulk Task Creation: Automatically create multiple tasks for a single account or across multiple accounts at once.

Task Assignment: Assign tasks to specific users or teams based on account ownership or other criteria.

Best Practices for Using Deluge in Zoho CRM

Error Handling: Always include error handling in your scripts to manage potential issues, such as missing fields or incorrect data types.

Documentation: Document your Deluge scripts thoroughly to make them easier to understand and maintain in the future.

Version Control: Keep track of different versions of your scripts, especially when making changes, to ensure that you can roll back if necessary.


Zoho CRM Deluge Create Task For Account is a useful method for automating your CRM workflows and making sure that crucial actions are always completed and improve the productivity of the business and new start ups.

Deluge provides the flexibility and power needed to tailor Zoho CRM to your particular business needs, be it managing complex workflows, setting up reminders, or automating routine follow-ups. Start automating today to make the most out of Zoho CRM and Deluge! and this is all about the Zoho CRM Deluge Create Task For Account.

For more information about the Zoho CRM Deluge Create Task For Account, visit this link.

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