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Zoho CRM Deluge Create New Related Record Entry – All Steps

Today our topic is related to the Zoho CRM Deluge Create New Related Record Entry, in which we discussed complete information about the topic. With the help of Zoho, organizations can efficiently manage their client interactions. The ability to automate and personalize workflows using Zoho’s scripting language, Deluge, is one of the main features  of Zoho CRM. In this article, we will focus on how to create a new related record entry in Zoho CRM using Deluge. We will also go over related topics like using Zoho CRM Deluge Create New Related Record Entry.

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What is Deluge? And Zoho CRM Deluge Create New Related Record Entry

Deluge, short for Data Enriched Language for the Universal Grid Environment, is a scripting language used across various Zoho applications. With its help, you may add new features to Zoho CRM, automate tasks, and develop customized features to meet your specific company’s needs.

Understanding Related Records in Zoho CRM

In Zoho CRM, a related record is a record that is linked to another record. For example, if you have a Contact record, you might have related records for Deals, Notes, or Tasks that are connected to that Contact. These relationships are essential for maintaining a structured and organized CRM system.

Why Use Deluge to Create Related Records?

Using Deluge scripting to create related records can significantly streamline your processes and save lot of extra time as compare to other languages. For instance, when a new Deal is added, you can automatically create a related Task or Note without manual intervention. By implementing all these crucial ideas, this automation lowers human error, saves time, and guarantees consistency throughout your CRM system, all of which increase company and organizational efficiency.

Steps to Zoho CRM Deluge Create New Related Record Entry

Here is a step-by-step guide to creating a new related record entry in Zoho CRM using Deluge scripting.

Step 1: Identify the Modules Involved

Before you start scripting, identify the modules that are involved. For example, if you want to create a Note related to a Contact, your primary module would be Contacts, and the related module would be Notes.

Step 2: Write the Deluge Script

To create a related record, you will need to use the createRecord function in Deluge. Below is a basic example:

// Fetch the contact record where you want to add a related record
contact = zoho.crm.getRecordById(“Contacts”, contact_id);

// Create a new note related to the contact
note_map = map();
note_map.put(“Note_Title”, “Follow-up Call”);
note_map.put(“Note_Content”, “Called the contact for a follow-up on the proposal.”);

// Associate the note with the contact
note_map.put(“Parent_Id”, contact.get(“id”));

// Create the note in Zoho CRM
create_note_response = zoho.crm.createRecord(“Notes”, note_map);

// Check the response
if(create_note_response.get(“code”) == “SUCCESS”)
info “Note created successfully!”;
info “Error: ” + create_note_response.get(“message”);

In this example:

  • contact_id is the ID of the Contact record.
  • note_map is a map that holds the data for the new Note record.
  • The Parent_Id field is used to link the new Note to the Contact.

Step 3: Test the Script

After writing the script, test it in a sandbox environment or on a single record in your CRM. Ensure that the related record is created as expected and linked correctly to the primary record.

Step 4: Deploy the Script

Once you have tested the script and confirmed that it works, you can deploy it within your Zoho CRM instance. This can be done by adding the script to a workflow, custom button, or schedule, depending on your use case.

Advanced Use Cases

You can extend the above script to handle more complex scenarios, such as:

  • Creating multiple related records at once.
  • Creating related records based on specific conditions.
  • Updating related records when certain criteria are met.

Best Practices

Error Handling: Always include error handling in your scripts to manage exceptions and ensure that your CRM data remains consistent.

Documentation: Document your Deluge scripts thoroughly so that others (or even you in the future) can understand the logic and purpose of the script.

Testing: Always test your scripts in a sandbox environment before deploying them to production.


One effective technique to automate your CRM workflows is to use Deluge scripting to create new related record entries in Zoho CRM. Your CRM procedures can be made much more efficient by making use of the create Record function and learning how to map related records. Deluge provides a powerful and adaptable solution for managing deals, logging notes, and automating task generation. This is all about of Zoho CRM Deluge Create New Related Record Entry.

For more information about the Zoho CRM Deluge Create New Related Record Entry, visit this link.

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