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Guide For Odoo Monetary Field – FAIRCHANCE FOR CRM

Odoo Monetary Field is today our topic. In any ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system, handling financial data is crucial.Accurate monetary value management, particularly when working with several currencies, is critical to corporate success. Odoo, one of the most popular open-source ERP systems, provides a Monetary Field to simplify and streamline this process. The Monetary field type is specifically designed for managing monetary amounts and currencies in a way that is both efficient and user-friendly.

In this post, we will look at the Monetary Field in Odoo, including its characteristics, how it works, and practical examples of how to use it in Odoo applications.

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What is the Odoo Monetary Field?

The Monetary field in Odoo is a specialized field type that is designed to store monetary values (i.e., amounts of money). The field not only stores the value of the money but also takes into account the currency in which the value is expressed.This field assists in the management of financial data by accounting for currency and ensuring that users can enter monetary values appropriately in accordance with the business’s currency settings.

The Monetary field is part of the Odoo Fields API and is typically used in models where monetary amounts are required, such as in Sales, Purchases, Accounting, Inventory, and Invoicing modules.

Key Features of the Odoo Monetary Field

  1. Currency Handling: The Monetary field automatically links the amount with the currency set for the company, ensuring consistency in currency formatting and conversion.
  2. Integration with Currencies: It integrates seamlessly with the Currency model in Odoo, so it can handle different currencies and automatically display values in the correct format based on the company’s currency settings.
  3. Precision and Formatting: The field automatically adjusts for decimals and formatting, which is essential when dealing with financial data (e.g., rounding off to the nearest two decimal places).
  4. Automatic Currency Conversion: When using multiple currencies, the Monetary field can handle currency conversions based on the exchange rate, ensuring that the monetary values are displayed correctly across currencies.
  5. Compliance with Localization: The field ensures that the displayed monetary values comply with the user’s local currency formatting rules (such as the use of commas, periods, and currency symbols).

Defining a Odoo Monetary Field

The Monetary field is defined in the same way as other fields in Odoo, but it specifically indicates that it is a monetary value. When defining a Monetary field, you must also specify a currency_id field that links the monetary amount with the relevant currency.

Here’s the syntax for defining a Monetary field:

from odoo import models, fields

class MyModel(models.Model):
_name = 'my.model'

amount = fields.Monetary(string='Amount', currency_field='currency_id')
currency_id = fields.Many2one('res.currency', string='Currency', default=lambda self:

Breakdown of the Code:

  • amount: This is the Monetary field that stores the actual amount.
  • currency_field: This parameter indicates the field that stores the currency (in this case, currency_id).
  • currency_id: This is a Many2one field that links to the res.currency model, which stores information about different currencies. The default value is set to the company’s default currency, ensuring that the monetary amount uses the appropriate currency.

Example Use Cases for the Monetary Field

The Monetary field can be used in a variety of scenarios in Odoo. Let’s take a look at some of the typical use cases:

Example 1: Defining a Monetary Field for Sales Orders

In the Sales Order model, you might want to store the total amount for each order in a specific currency. Here’s an example of how you could implement this:

class SaleOrder(models.Model):
_inherit = 'sale.order'

total_amount = fields.Monetary(string='Total Amount', currency_field='currency_id')
currency_id = fields.Many2one('res.currency', string='Currency', default=lambda self:

In this case, the total_amount field stores the total monetary value of the sales order, while the currency_id field ensures that the currency used in the transaction is correctly referenced.

Example 2: Storing Invoice Amounts

In the Invoice model, monetary fields are used to track the amount due, payments received, and the total outstanding. Here’s an example of how to use a Monetary field in an invoice:

class AccountInvoice(models.Model):
_inherit = 'account.move'

invoice_amount = fields.Monetary(string='Invoice Amount', currency_field='currency_id')
currency_id = fields.Many2one('res.currency', string='Currency', default=lambda self:

In this example:

  • The invoice_amount stores the total amount of the invoice.
  • The currency_id field links the amount to the currency used for the invoice.

Displaying Monetary Values in Odoo

One of the standout features of the Monetary field is that it automatically handles currency formatting and conversion. When you define a Monetary field, Odoo ensures that:

  • The correct currency symbol (e.g., $, €, £) is displayed.
  • The amount is formatted according to the company’s locale settings (e.g., decimal places, grouping symbols).

For instance, an amount of 1000.50 in USD will appear as $1,000.50 in Odoo’s user interface, depending on the locale settings. Similarly, a value of 1000.50 in EUR will display as €1,000.50.

Handling Multiple Currencies

In Odoo, if your business operates across different currencies, the Monetary field can help with currency conversion. By specifying the currency_id, Odoo will automatically convert monetary amounts based on the exchange rates that are set in the system.

For example, if your company operates in USD but deals with clients in EUR, Odoo will use the current exchange rate to convert values between these currencies. This is especially useful when working with international clients or suppliers.

Benefits of Using the Monetary Field in Odoo

  1. Simplified Currency Management: The Monetary field eliminates the need for manual currency conversion or formatting by handling it automatically.
  2. Consistent Formatting: Monetary values are consistently formatted according to the company’s local rules, reducing the risk of errors in financial data.
  3. Global Business Support: For businesses dealing with several currencies, the Monetary field guarantees that data is accurately managed and displayed across currencies, enhancing reporting and transaction accuracy.
  4. Ease of Use: Users do not need to manually format or convert currencies when entering values in monetary fields, making data entry quicker and more accurate.


The Odoo Monetary Field is a powerful and vital feature for managing financial data in your business applications. It makes it easier to manage monetary values and guarantees that they are appropriately represented and structured in the right currency. Whether you’re dealing with sales orders, invoices, or accounting transactions, the Monetary field can help businesses manage monetary amounts effectively and reliably across several currencies.

By include the Monetary field in your Odoo models, you can ensure that your ERP system can manage financial data in an accurate and user-friendly manner, speeding financial operations and improving data integrity throughout the firm.

For more information about the Odoo Monetary Field, visit this link.

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Yasir Baig

My name is Mirza Yasir Baig. As an experienced content writer and web developer, I specialize in creating impactful digital experiences. With expertise in WordPress programming and the MERN stack, I have built and managed various web platforms, including the different a dedicated resource for both Pakistani and international students seeking quality courses and training programs. My work is driven by a passion for education and technology, ensuring that content is not only engaging but also optimized for search engines (SEO) to reach a wider audience.

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